
We charge lump prices when transporting to the selected destinations:

Praha - Brno 3150,- CZK (126€, 121 USD)
Praha - Č. Budějovice 2300,- CZK (92€, 154 USD)
Praha - Olomouc 3400,- CZK (116€, 151 USD)
Praha - Pardubice 2200,- CZK (88€, 147 USD)
Praha - Plzeň 2200,-CZK (88€, 147 USD)
Praha - Ostrava 4300,- CZK (172€, 287 USD)
Praha - Znojmo 3200,- CZK (128€, 214 USD)
Praha - Mar. Lázně 2700,- CZK (108€, 180 USD)
Praha - Zlín 3800,- CZK (152€, 253 USD)
Praha - Tábor 2200,- CZK (68€, 88 USD)
Praha - Cheb 3200,- CZK (128€, 214 USD)
Praha - Karlovy Vary 2700,- CZK (108€, 180 USD)
Praha - Chomutov 2300,- CZK (92€, 154 USD)
Praha - Teplice 2200,- CZK (88€, 147 USD)
Praha - Ústí n/Labem 2300,- CZK (92€, 154 USD)
Praha - Liberec 2200,- CZK (88€, 147USD)
Praha - Jičín 2200,- CZK (88€, 147 USD)
Praha - Trutnov 2200,- CZK (88€, 147 USD)
Praha - Ml. Boleslav 2000,- CZK (80€, 134 USD)

Negotiated price is for transfers from and to another European destinations.
Personal transport to other places is charged in the price of price 11 CZK per 1 km (0,7 USD per 1 km).
Waiting time is charged only after 15 min waiting and in the price of 6 CZK/min (0.4 USD/min).
When charging kilometres, back kilometres are also charged.
Boarding fees are not charged!

You can pay in €, USD, GBP !!!
The prices are not included 19% V.A.T.


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SCA Packaging
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